What Is Social Media Marketing & Why You Should Care
It is the year of social networking. With the advent of social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and Orkut, we’ve seen a phenomenal growth in their popularity in the last few years. Statistics reveal that over 217 million people have accounts on Facebook and the number keeps growing by leaps and bounds everyday. The ever-increasing popularity of social media marketing is fast catching up such that by next year it will become one of the most popular forums for marketing.
what is social media marketing and why is it important
Social media marketing is quite different from traditional marketing. Traditional marketing involves using various forms of media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet…) to communicate your marketing message and get people interested in your product or service. Trying to keep up with viewers on all these forms of media is a massive undertaking that can be very expensive. The best way to accomplish this is to hire a professional social media company that is dedicated to doing just that.
Social Media Marketing Definition
Social Media Marketing refers to the use of social networking sites and blogs to promote a business or product. This type of online marketing allows businesses to reach out and connect with their customers beyond the actual website. Social Media helps build trust and credibility with potential customers. It can be used to build traffic and increase sales for a business. Social Media Marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for small businesses trying to compete with large corporations. There are many platforms available for small business owners to utilize; these include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest & Google+ .
How Does it Work?
Social Media has a wide variety of advertising options that can be put together into an Advertising Campaign. The first step in creating this campaign is deciding who your target audience is. You then create your ad by picking the type of ad (App Install, Page Post Engagement etc.), the audience (the people you want to see your ad), your budget (how much do you want to spend) and the duration for which you want your ad to run. After all this information is gathered, Social Media will create the actual advertisement for you based on the information that you supplied.
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